Why integrate with us
With over 10 million users around the world, you can reach out to a huge audience through the Vivastreet community. We are partnered with many ad-posting (interface) software providers and offer integrations via our API or xml. The Vivastreet API is your opportunity to independently distribute your ads onto our site without having to log in or post manually. It is completely free to use.
Key API Information
Requesting keys:
You can request an API key from your professional account. We cannot change which account a key is handled under, so make sure you don't apply for the key under a developer's personal account since if they leave, your API key would be harder for you to control.
Here's the documentation for the wholeVivastreet API, including all the methods and feeds available.
Set Up / Authentication:
Vivastreet's integration flow is designed to ensure the content posted onto our site is of high quality and meets our terms and conditions.
Vivastreet's integration flow is designed to ensure the content posted onto our site is of high quality and meets our terms and conditions.
When you are ready: Post a maximum of 50 test ads which will be verified by our moderation team.(Remember, these ads will not appear on our site)
Next step: We will contact you to confirm your account has been authorised or to help you resolve any issues with your integration.
Once you are approved: You can use your unique API key to publish unlimited numbers of ads onto Vivastreet.
Posting Rules:
Please ensure that your API posting requests conform to our rules. Not doing so may cause issues with your integration. We constantly monitor our ads and will remove and block any user in violation of our posting regulations.
Revoking API keys:
We revoke keys for integrations that violate our Terms of Use So make sure you read them carefully.
Resources and Support
The vivastreet API is a self-service integration method for professionals. We provide only limited technical integration support.
[email protected]